Application for official documents



  • A transcript is the most comprehensive academic record of a student at the University which lists the courses of study and the examination results, if applicable
  • Suitable for most purpose
  • Information on English as the medium of instruction at the University is pre-printed under section F of "Guide to symbols used in transcripts" at the overleaf of the official transcript.
  • Teaching and Assessment Arrangement during COVID-19 Global Pandemic


Sample document

Application - For students with access to HKU Portal

Official Transcript

  • Instruction and User Guide for Online Transcript Application

    The Instruction highlights important information relating to the application and the User Guide provides screen snapshots of the entire application process. Applicants may refer to the User Guide if they encounter any problems during their application.

  • Online application
    • Navigation Path:
    • HKU Portal > SIS Main Menu > Online Applications > Application for Transcript
  • View Application Status
    • Navigation Path:
    • HKU Portal > SIS Main Menu > Online Applications > Application for Transcript > Application Record

Student Copy of Academic Transcript for Undergraduate Students

Current full-time undergraduate students under the 4-year curriculum, except exchange/visiting students, may view the Student Copy of Academic Transcript in SIS.

The Student Copy of Academic Transcript contains key information on academic studies such as a chronological list of courses attended/enrolled, grades and credits (if applicable) for the current degree. Students who have transferred their studies to another degree curriculum may need to apply for an official transcript if a full list of academic record is required. The Student Copy may be helpful to students who need a general academic and enrolment record for job searching and internship application.

Please find below

  1. A sample of the Student Copy; and

  2. A Quick Guide to view/download the Student Copy.

Navigation path for the Student Copy is as follows:

HKU Portal> SIS Menu > Academic Records > Transcript (Student Copy)

Undergraduate students (including part-time, exchange/visiting students and students under the 3-year curriculum) who wish to view their course history/course grades online, please follow the navigation paths below:

For course history:

HKU Portal> SIS Menu > Enrollment > My Course History

For course grades:

HKU Portal> SIS Menu > Academic Records > View my Grades

For enquiries, please contact the Academic Services Office by telephone at 2859 2433 or by e-mail:

Application - For graduates or students WITHOUT access to HKU Portal

For graduates

The Online application system requires your graduate email account and password to login. If you do not have a graduate email account or have forgotten the password, please click here to register for a graduate email account or to reset the password.

Graduates will be informed via their HKU email when the transcript(s) is/are ready.

For students WITHOUT access to HKU Portal (e.g. Exchange / Visiting / Summer Programme students)

Please complete the application form (Word format) (PDF format) and submit it to the Academic Services Office for processing.



  • A testimonial certifies the qualification(s) awarded to a student
  • For IANG (graduates only i.e. AFTER completion of the degree)


Application - For students with access to HKU Portal

  • Instruction and User Guide for Online Testimonial Application

    The Instruction highlights important information relating to the application and the User Guide provides screen snapshots of the entire application process. Applicants may refer to the User Guide if they encounter any problems during their application.

  • Online application
    • Navigation Path:
    • HKU Portal > SIS Main Menu > Online Applications > Application for Testimonial
  • View Application Status
    • Navigation Path:
    • HKU Portal > SIS Main Menu > Online Applications > Application for Testimonial > Application Record

Application - For graduates or students WITHOUT access to HKU Portal

For graduates

The Online application system requires your graduate email account and password to login. If you do not have a graduate email account or have forgotten the password, please click here to register for a graduate email account or to reset the password.

Graduates will be informed via their HKU email when the testimonial(s) is/are ready.

For students WITHOUT access to HKU Portal (e.g. Exchange / Visiting / Summer Programme students)

Please complete the application form (Word format) (PDF format) and submit it to the Academic Services Office for processing.



  • To provide certification on a photocopy of your HKU graduation certificate; or
  • for verification of your registration status on a form provided by an institution or an organization

Application Form

Arrangement for the Collection of Graduation Certificate

Please note that Hong Kong Post requires more time to deliver the mail to Macau and destinations in the Mainland China.

If you are in urgent need of the certificate, please consider collecting your certificate in person or authorize a delegate to collect the certificate on your behalf as it takes time for mail to reach its destination.

Updated on June 3, 2024

For Winter Congregation graduates 2024

Degree certificates/diplomas will be retained at the University for 7 years.

Collection in person

Please present your original HKID Card or Mainland Resident ID Card or Passport (electronic copy is not accepted) for collection of the degree certificate/diploma at the venue as specified in the "Arrangement for the Collection of Certificate".

Collection via an authorized delegate

If you are unable to collect your certificate/diploma in person, you may complete the authorization form online so that your authorized delegate can collect your degree certificate/diploma on your behalf at the venue(s) at specified in the Arrangement for the Collection of Certificate.

To complete the online authorization form, please refer to the section on "Access to the system on the Collection of Certificate".

Your authorized delegate is required to present

  1. a printed copy of the Application Summary for the Collection of the Certificate (i.e. your authorization form) and
  2. his/her original HKID card/passport as specified in the Application Summary (electronic copy of the HKID card/passport is NOT accepted) for verification when collecting the certificate(s) on your behalf.

Access to the system on the Collection of Certificate

Please access the Collection of Certificate system via the Graduate platform and you may use your HKU Portal username and password to login. If you do not have a graduate email account, please access the system via HKU Portal.

Collection by mail

If you are unable to collect your certificate/diploma in person, you may request the University to dispatch the certificate/diploma to you by mail. The certificate/diploma will start to be sent AFTER the Congregation ceremony according to the schedule as specified in Arrangement for the Collection of Certificate. Please provide detailed information for mail posting and choice of mail service (i.e. registered mail by Hong Kong Post, or S.F. Express Courier Service) in the online application. The application fee will be charged per mailing address according to the mailing destination and the service provider. For details, please refer to the section on "Access to the system on the Collection of Certificate".

The University will communicate with you via your HKU Email Account ( should there be any problems with regard to the collection or mail posting of your certificate/diploma.

Access to the system on the Collection of Certificate

Please access the Collection of Certificate system via the Graduate platform and you may use your HKU Portal username and password to login. If you do not have a graduate email account, please access the system via HKU Portal.


For Class of 2005 - Summer Congregation graduates 2024

Degree certificates/diplomas will be retained at the University for 7 years.

Collection in person

Please present your original HKID Card or Passport (electronic copy is not accepted) for collection of the degree certificate/diploma at the Academic Services Office# during office hours.

Collection via an authorized delegate

If you are unable to collect your certificate/diploma in person, you may complete the authorization form online so that your authorized delegate can collect your degree certificate/diploma on your behalf at the Academic Services Office# during office hours. To complete the online authorization form, please refer to the section on "Access to the system on the Collection of Certificate by mail or via a delegate".

Your authorized delegate is required to present

  1. a printed copy of the Application Summary for the Collection of the Certificate (i.e. your authorization form) and
  2. his/her original HKID card/passport as specified in the Application Summary (electronic copy of the HKID card/passport is NOT accepted) for verification when collecting the certificate(s) on your behalf.

Access to the system on the Collection of Certificate

Please access the Collection of Certificate system via the Graduate platform. The Graduate platform requires your graduate email account and password to login. If you do not have a graduate email account or have forgotten the password, please click here to register for a graduate email account or to reset the password.

The University will communicate with you via your HKU Email Account ( or should there be any problems with regard to the collection or mail posting of your degree certificate/diploma.

Collection by mail

If you are unable to collect your certificate/diploma in person, you may request the University to dispatch the certificate/diploma to you by mail. The normal processing time is 10 working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays) and the certificate will be dispatched to you when ready. Longer processing time is required during the peak seasons of July to September and November to January. The mail delivery time depends on your choice of service provider. Please provide detailed information for mail posting and choice of mail service (i.e. registered mail by Hong Kong Post, or S.F. Express Courier Service) in the online application. The application fee will be charged per mailing address according to the mailing destination and the service provider. For details, please refer to the section on "Access to the system on the Collection of Certificate".

The University will communicate with you via your HKU Email Account ( or should there be any problems with regard to the collection or mail posting of your degree certificate/diploma.

Access to the system on the Collection of Certificate

Please access the Collection of Certificate system via the Graduate platform. The Graduate platform requires your graduate email account and password to login. If you do not have a graduate email account or have forgotten the password, please click here to register for a graduate email account or to reset the password.

The University will communicate with you via your HKU Email Account ( or should there be any problems with regard to the collection or mail posting of your degree certificate/diploma.


For Class of 2004 or before

Degree certificates/diplomas will be retained at the Academic Services Office# for 7 years.

Collection in person

Please present your original HKID Card or Passport (electronic copy is not accepted) for collection of the degree certificate/diploma at the Academic Services Office# during office hours.

Collection via an authorized delegate or by mail

If you are unable to collect your certificate/diploma in person, you may authorize a delegate to collect the certificate/diploma on your behalf or to request the University to dispatch the certificate/diploma to you by mail. Please complete the authorization form (Word format PDF format)  following the instructions.

Your authorized delegate is required to present:

  1. your completed authorization form,
  2. a photocopy of your HKID card/passport, and
  3. his/her original HKID card/passport as specified in the authorization form (electronic copy of the HKID card/passport is NOT accepted) for verification when collecting the certificate(s) on your behalf.

For mailing request, on receipt of the required documents, the normal processing time is 10 working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays) and the certificate/diploma will be dispatched to you when ready. Longer processing time is required during the peak seasons of July to September and November to January. Please provide accurate and detailed information for mail posting.

The University will communicate with you according to the email address or contact information in the authorization form should there be any problems with regard to the collection or mail posting of your degree certificate/diploma.


For enquiries, please email

# Academic Services Office
Room G-04, G/F, Run Run Shaw Building
Main Campus
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
(HKU MTR station A2 exit, on the Run Run Shaw Podium next to Hong Kong Bank)

Office hours:
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (No lunch break)
Saturday: 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Closed on Sunday, Public Holidays and University Holidays (i.e. Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve (p.m.), The day preceding Lunar New Year (p.m.) and Foundation Day (March 16)).

Certificate of Graduation (CoG)


  • A Certificate of Graduation (CoG) certifies that a student has successfully completed the requirements for the conferment of a degree at the Congregation Ceremony before the issuance of the graduation certificate.
  • For employment in the Mainland


Sample document


If you have been informed by your Faculty/the Graduate School on the completion of requirements for the degree but await the conferment of the degree at the Congregation Ceremony which is usually held at the end of the year in November or December, you may apply for the Certificate of Graduation (CoG). Application has to be submitted online at least 3 weeks before the Congregation Ceremony.

(Provided that you have already been conferred of the degree at the Congregation Ceremony, you are NOT eligible to apply for CoG. The Graduation Certificate will be available to you after the Congregation Ceremony. No application is required for the Graduation Certificate. Please refer to the section "Arrangement on the Collection of Graduation Certificate" in this website for details on the collection of the Graduation Certificate.)

Notes to applicants for applying CoG

Online Application for CoG

Replacement of Graduation Certificates


To apply for a replacement of your original graduation certificate in case of loss or damage, or when there is a change in legal name requiring updating of the University records.


Application form

Academic Attainment Profile (AAP)


AAP records the achievement of a student in four main components, where applicable
  1. Professional Core/Major,
  2. Common Core,
  3. English Language and Chinese Language, and
  4. Non-Major (Minors and/or Free Electives).
Each component will carry its own component GPA. Ranking of the Professional Core/Major component will also be provided for students to be graduated in the same conferment year, if applicable.


Application - For students with access to HKU Portal

ONLY eligible for application by FINAL YEAR full-time undergraduate students of the reformed curriculum (i.e. 4‑year undergraduate curriculum) in the current academic year.
  • Instruction and User Guide for AAP Application

    The Instruction highlights important information relating to the application and the User Guide provides screen snapshots of the entire application process. Applicants may refer to the User Guide if they encounter any problems during their application.

  • Online application
      Navigation Path:
    • HKU Portal > SIS Main Menu > Online Applications > Application for AAP
  • View Application Status
      Navigation Path:
    • HKU Portal > SIS Main Menu > Online Applications > Application for AAP > Applications made in previous months

Students will be informed via their HKU email when the AAPs are ready.

Application - For Graduates

ONLY eligible for application by full-time undergraduate students of the reformed curriculum (i.e. 4‑year undergraduate curriculum) admitted from the academic year 2012-13 onwards AND have successfully completed the undergraduate degree programme.

Graduates will be informed via their HKU email when the AAPs are ready.

Degree Regulations and Course Descriptions

The "University Degree Regulations and Course Descriptions" (from the academic year 2002/03 onwards) is available online at for viewing and downloading. You may provide the above website to the company, the office or an institution for information. Should you require further assistance, please contact the Academic Services Office by e-mail at

Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)

Personal Information Collection Statement for Applicants and Students

Frequently Asked Questions

Transcript/ Testimonial/ Certification
  1. What document should I apply for if I want to certify the medium of instruction of the University?

    Please apply for an official transcript. Information on English as the medium of instruction at the University is pre-printed under section F of "Guide to symbols used in transcripts" at the overleaf of the official transcript.

  2. What kind of document will you certify?

    We only certify degree certificates issued by the University. For certificates issued by individual department or HKU SPACE, please contact the relevant office for assistance.

    To make a declaration or oath/affirmation of your other documents, you may seek assistance from a Notary Public or any of the Government's Home Affairs Enquiry Centres.

  3. Where can I obtain a document to verify the contact hours of my study?

    Please contact your home Faculty for assistance.

  1. What is the difference between a Graduation Certificate and a "Certificate of Graduation (CoG)"?

    You do not need to apply for a Graduation Certificate as it is issued to graduates free of charge after the Congregation Ceremony, normally in late November/December.

    A "Certificate of Graduation" (CoG) is a document which certifies that a student has successfully completed the requirements for the conferment of a degree and is issued to students before the issuance of graduation certificates. As transcripts and testimonials are suitable for most purpose, you may consider to apply for a CoG only when necessary.

  2. Where can I get more information about the Congregation Ceremony?

    Please visit the Congregation website.

Contact ASO

Academic Services Office

Address: Room G‑04, Run Run Shaw Building
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 39172433
Facsimile: (852) 25401405
Office Hours:  Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (No lunch break)

Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Closed on Sunday, Public Holidays and University Holidays (i.e. Christmas Eve, New Year Eve (p.m.), the day preceding Lunar New Year (p.m.) and The University of Hong Kong Foundation Day (March 16)).